Greetings from Kinsella, Alberta!
Have you ever played ordinary bingo? Yes? Well, that’s probably because you’ve never been to Kinsella, Alberta, home of the extraordinary.
While most septuagenarians in rural towns play standard bingo, the prairie vanguards of Kinsella play Satellite Bingo (see photo, right)! Here’s how it works: everyone goes over to Jim and Nancy’s on Tuesday. They’re the only ones in town who have satellite TV. Most people assume Jim and Nancy actually own a satellite in space. Those people are wrong.
Someone picks a numbered ball out of a cage, and if you can guess what channel corresponds to that number (eg. Fishing Network, Bowling Network, Home Quilting Network, etc…) then you get to watch that channel until the next ball comes up. Sure Jim and Nancy always win (they own the only TV guide in town too), but most people are just happy to be out of the house, and in front of the only 27″ TV in existence (as far as they know.)
Bingo isn’t the only thing they do differently in Kinsella. Local resident Hal Thompson decided he was going to make up his own unit to measure speed, called, predictably, “the Thompson”. It’s based on how fast he thinks he can run. 15 years ago, the forward-thinking town council adopted the Thompson as their official measure of speed, and put it on their signs. The typical speed limit is 32t. Of course, nobody really knows how fast 32t is, but it doesn’t matter, because nobody owns a car.
Also pictured here is the failed Kinsella Airport. They had hoped the motto, “If you build it, they will come” would hold true for airports. It certainly didn’t. Now it is home to the annual North American Commercial Building Squatters Association Conference. The town collects zero dollars from it. Obviously.
People here are friendly and accommodating, especially if you’re not a minority.
FAMOUS PEOPLE FROM KINSELLA (other than Jim and Nancy):
-W.P. Kinsella, celebrated Canadian author (only in town during a brief 3-day kidnapping ordeal to celebrate the opening of the airport. They built it, and no one came, so they let him go back home to Edmonton.)
-Janeen Darvishire, famous for an appearance on the Russian reality show, “So You Think You Can Grow Cucumbers”
-Frank Sinatra, woodworker with the same name as Frank Sinatra.
Loving life on the prairies!
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